Proposed Changes to Residential Tenancies Act (WA) 1987

In 2017, the WA Government committed to a review of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (RTA). A link to the Act can be found here:

Since that time, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has begun a review of the RTA.

The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (RTA) is the current law in WA which regulates the relationship between lessors and tenants.

DMIRS released a consultation paper in December 2019, which looked to examine all issues affecting the tenancy process, including security of tenure, the application process, bonds, rents, the premises, terminations and dispute resolution.

REIWA has expressed concerns about the impact some of these proposals will have on the WA rental market, if they were to be introduced. Our society expects a fair residential tenancy system that balances the rights of property investors and those of tenants.

The vast majority of residential tenancies are working well, so we need the WA Government to exercise caution and think carefully of the consequences before making drastic changes to the rules. 

You can read REIWA’s full submission here:

If you are a property owner and wish to discuss the proposed changes, or see how this may impact your investment property please get in touch by filling out the form below.


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Proposed Changes to Residential Tenancies Act (WA) 1987